Library fmriThere is a beautiful
and vast library for the use of research scholars consisting of 31000 rare books. Great reference material is available in this library for students undertaking their
Doctorate. Efforts are made to collect the latest books and research material on Islam published in the Arab and the western world. Due to serious intellectual, research
work, this library has earned for itself distinctive place, rather it is counted among one of the top unique libraries at the national level.
All personal books that remained under study of Dr Farid-ud-Din Qadri, the father of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, are available in a separate section under
the name of ‘Maktaba Faridiaya Qadrai’. A treasure of 1600 books is the basis for the establishment of this library. Due to importance and rarity of these books, this
particular section has the status of an archive. It has books on subjects such as Quran, Hadith, Seera, Jurisprudence, Principles of Jurisprudence, Medicine and medical
science etc.
Whenever Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri visits some foreign country, the major chuck of his time is spent in visiting book shops and libraries.
He brings a good number of books for FMRi worth million of rupees upon his return to the country. A huge collection of books on different subjects like Spiritualism,
Literature, History, Biographies, Principles of Jurisprudence, Principles of Exegesis and Science of Hadit is available in the library. The five-year record of books
present in the library is given here below:
It also goes to the credit of library of FMRi that it remains open from 9 am to 11 pm like the Western libraries. The ordering of books has been done on modern lines.
A vast collection of books on contemporary subjects is also there in the library.
Lectures of Shaykh-ul-Islam, seminars and other programmes are held from time to time in the vast hall of library. People who served in the library in different capacities
included Ali Akhtar Awan, Hafiz Muhammad Ehsan, Muhammad Ramzan Naqishbandi, Muhammad Hussain Azad, Ghulam Mustafa Abid Alvi, Muhammad Afzal Qadri, Asif Iqbal, Nadeem
Hussain Naqvi, Hafiz Muhammad Hassan, Abdul Basit Makki and Muhammad Ahmad Raza. Since May 2008, Prof Muhammad Ashraf Hussain has been serving in the library as Director
Administration. The Institute and library saw progress in managerial matters under his stewardship. Library is undergoing the process of automation these days. Abdul Jabbar
Qamar, who has been associated with Library in different capacities, is the in-charge of this library. In addition to Master in Islamic Studies and Arabic, he also holds
Master degree in Library Sciences. He is helped out in the performance of his duties by Muhammad Naveed Iqbal, Syed Mubashar Hassan Nizami and Muhammad Ali.

Direct the believing men to keep their eyes always lowered and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, Allah is Well Aware of (the works) which they are busy doing. (Sura an-Nūr, 24 : 30)
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