Composing Section
Composing Section
FMRi has its own full-fledged composing section, which is tasked to compose projects of the Institute and the oral and written works of Shaykh-ul-Islam into three languages (Urdu, English and Arabic) and make them worthy of publication in a book form. All processes from research and derivation to composing of material are accomplished under one roof with speed and efficiency. Due to load of work, two shifts of working have been arranged. Muhammad Farooq Rana and Abdul Sattar Minhajian have designed composing patterns in Urdu, English and Arabic languages for Desktop publication. Muhammad Yameen (Minhajian) is the head of this section who is assisted by an efficient team of composers namely Abdul Khaliq Baltastani, Hamid Sami, Muhammad Nawaz Qadri, and Kashif Ali Saeed. Muhammad Saleem Hassan, Ghulam Nabi Qadri, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Alvi, Maqsood Ahmad Doager, Muhammad Iftikhar and Zaheer Ahmad Sial have already rendered their services in this department.

Direct the believing men to keep their eyes always lowered and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, Allah is Well Aware of (the works) which they are busy doing. (Sura an-Nūr, 24 : 30)
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