Calligraphy Section
Calligraphy Section
Before the activation of composing section, the calligraphy of all books was done manually. The Institute had hired the full-time and part-time services of many experts in this regard. These people who served the section included such names as Muhammad Ikhlaq Chishti, Muhammad Yosuf Nizami, Salam Shad, Shahid Mahmoud, Allama Hafiz Siraj Saeedi, Syed Qamar-ul-Islam etc. The responsibilities of this section are now to prepare titles of Shaykh-ul-Islam’s books, doing calligraphy work when needed and pasting of journals and books before sending them for printing. Besides this, this section prepares tables of organizational structure and designs epitaphs and ads to be issued by Minhaj-ul-Quran International. The calligraphy of documents and certificates of MQI, COSIS, MinhajCollege for Women and Tehfeez-ul-Quran Institute also falls under the responsibility of this section. Abu Owais Muhammad Akram, graduate of MinhajUniversity, is the in-charge of this section who has been serving here for last eighteen years. He has designed a number of masterpieces of different Quranic verses and poetry.
Direct the believing men to keep their eyes always lowered and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, Allah is Well Aware of (the works) which they are busy doing. (Sura an-Nūr, 24 : 30)
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